NBA 2K24 Best Dribble Moves Tier List: Top Dribble Styles Video
2k24 Best Dribble Styles

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Video Transcript:
what is good guys this is Koza and welcome back to another 2K Lab video now dribble styles could be the make or break to make your build feel sluggish or explosive so in today's video we're going to go ahead and test each dribble style and then grade them in a tier list to help you guys pick which one to use so if y'all Ready for today's video go ahead and drop a like subscribe to the channel if you guys want more content like this let's go ahead and hop into it [Music] now we'll be grading each dribble style based on their explosiveness so for each dribble style I'll be showcasing their same hand speed boost which is Turbo running towards your ball hand and we'll also see the dribble Styles cross launch and all across launch is is Turbo running towards your off ball hand now starting off the tier list with Kobe Bryant now you have to be under 610 with an 88 speed with ball you don't see his dribble style too often because the 88 speed will ball requirement but he has a really explosive cross launch animation that will help you beat Defenders even his speed boost to the ball hand is really solid and with that being said he can speed boost both directions so we're gonna go ahead and throw him in the S tier on the Kevin Durant there is no height requirement all you need is at least a 75 spew a ball now the first initial cross launch animation is really fast but it is shortly lived you start the animation fast but you quickly slow down on top of that his same hand speed boost is relatively slow so we're gonna go ahead and put him in the B2 but don't count this dribble style out if you guys are taller or you just put your attributes somewhere else in the Builder and you only have a 75 steel ball still a solid option up next we have James Harden you have to be under 610 and at least a 75 Speedway ball now as you can see here every time I cross launch it makes me Freeze and stop ultimately slowing myself down he's also really really slow going towards the same ball hand so as of right now season one this is one of the worst dribble styles to use we're gonna go ahead and throw him in the seats here next up is our first small guard animation you have to be under six five and you need a 90s people Ball but this triple style really doesn't have any weaknesses you can speed boost with the cross launch running towards the off ball hand and you can speed boost going towards the ball hand so this is a dribble style you're not limited going to One Direction I feel like this is ultimately the best dribble style that we have so far for season one so we're gonna go ahead and throw them in the S tier now on to LeBron James you have to be under 610 you need at least a 75 Speedway ball now as you can see here his speed boost towards the ball hand kind of gives him a wider angle than most dribble Styles his cross launch is pretty solid but nothing special with a low requirement this could be a go-to with a 75's fuel ball build that being said we're going to go ahead and throw them in the B tier now on to Magic Johnson a really popular dribble style right now this is the cross launch that we see a lot in online play it gives you a lot of explosiveness but towards the off ball hand it's kind of like you're running in mud so you're going really fast one way but really slow the other way now having only a 75 spiral ball requirement and one of the fastest cross launches in the game as of right now we're gonna go ahead and put them in the a tier he would be S tier but he does have some weaknesses on the Zach Levine again you have to be under 610 and again a 75 Spiel ball requirement now his cross launch as you can see right here is a little bit of a wide angle and you guys don't want too wide of an angle because that gives the defender more time to catch up or cut you off but it's still not a bad cross launch and it speed boost going to the same side ball hand is solid now for the requirement and really not having a weakness other than the wide angle on the cross launch we're gonna go ahead and put them in the A2 now another small guard you can get at least a 90 Speedway ball and you have to be under six five Damien Lillard kind of has a bad cross launch animation but running to the same side ball hand is really solid nothing too special I personally don't think it should take a 90 spill ball to unlock him because his competitor Kyrie Irving is also at a 90s people ball still a solid dribble style but I would ultimately pick Kyrie Irving over this on to John Moraine you need an 85 sphere ball and you have to be under 610. now his cross launch isn't the worst but it's definitely not fast and running to the same side ball hand it's kind of like you're running in mud it's the same animation as Magic Johnson with having an 85 spiral ball threshold I think that some at the 75 steel ball threshold are a lot better we're gonna go ahead and throw him in the seat here just above James Harden now on to Steve Nash you have to be under 6'5 and only an 83 Speedway ball requirement that is also the requirement for gold Speed Booster now he actually has a really solid cross launch animation which gives him a good burst of speed and running to the ball hand is very usable so I think people that went with the 83 Speedway ball on a small guard to get that gold Speed Booster threshold this could be a solid option for you that being said I still don't think it's a top dribble style in the game game we're going to go ahead and throw them into a high B tier on to John Stockton this is another small guard animation you have to be under six five but you only need a 75 Speedway ball to unlock this now he has an awful cross launch animation that pretty much slows you down and his same hand speed boost isn't that fast either having a competitor like Magic Johnson dribble style at the 75 steel ball threshold is kind of tough so we're gonna go ahead and throw him in the C2 now Augustus you have to be under 610 but you only need a 40 speed ball to unlock this now she has a really solid cross launch animation just the same as Steve Nash but her speed boost to the ball hand is really slow it's that running in mud animation that Magic Johnson gets I don't want to throw her in The Siege here because she's only a 40s people ball requirement and she still has that really nice cross launch animation so a very solid pick for builds like lockdowns and back ends with that lowest fuel ball rating that being said we're gonna go ahead and throw her in the low B tier on to Chelsea Gray another 40 Spiel ball requirement and you have to be under 610 as you can see here her cross launch is very shortly lived and her speed boost to the ball hand gets that slow running in mud animation so no good animations out of this double style we're gonna go ahead and throw her in the seats here now I'm not gonna try to say her name but I'll pop it up on the screen here another 40 Spiel ball requirement and this one gets a really nice cross launch animation and her speed boost to running towards the ball hand isn't the running and mud animation it's also not solid either it's kind of in between nonetheless we're gonna throw her in a low B too last but not least Gabby Williams now she has that John Morant animation for the cross launch which isn't that good but she does have a solid speed boost running towards the ball hand she doesn't have a running in mud animation so you really can't go wrong you also only need a 40 Speedway ball to unlock this so again we're gonna throw her down in the B2 so this is the tier list for all the drubal styles for season one I hope this video helps y'all out whenever you guys are picking your animations for your MyPlayer builds you really can't go wrong with any s or a tiers let me know down in the comments which one is your favorite don't forget to drop a like And subscribe to the channel and as always this is Koza and I'm out